Thursday, September 12, 2019

Writrer choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writrer choice - Essay Example The notion that only African, as opposed to other races, were only fit to serve as slaves was an invention of whites who were in need of a working class.2 The working class, however, had to be legitimized; the legitimacy was that Africans could not fit elsewhere, but in the institution of slavery. More specifically, this paper compares the works of David walker’s appeal to the colored citizens of the world and Leslie Harris’s in the shadow of slavery. It will be argued that class was fundamental in institutionalization of the racial slavery, and the race solidarity in New York in the seventieth century. David Walker is a male abolitionist of an African- American origin. Further, the outspoken abolitionist was born to a slave father, but the mother was a free black mother.3 However, owing to the status of his mother, David Walker enjoyed that status of being a free black person. The author used his position as a free person to speak against the evils of slavery. In this work, appeal to the colored citizens of the world, the author writes against the evils of slavery in a bid to draw the attention of African American to a need for abolition of this practice. The first goal of his writing is to encourage the solidarity of African living under slavery. Walkers’ position as a free African during a period when slavery is ubiquitous in New York is likely to be instrumental in luring slaves into seeking a free African status. Whites during this era of slavery in New York have established a social class, and justified their actions as far has holding slaves is concern. In essence, the white slave owners believe that Africans are inferior, and do not belong to the social class of whites.4 To illustrate this, the author writes, â€Å"Has Mr. [Thomas] Jefferson declared to the world, that we are inferior to the whites, both in the endowments of

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