Saturday, September 7, 2019

Anti-globalization movement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Anti-globalization movement - Case Study Example The term globalisation has come become popular only since the 1980s and since then protest against globalisation started, the term anti-globalisation also became popular at almost the same time. The groups and individuals belonging to "anti-globalization movement" developed in the late twentieth century to resist the globalization of corporate economic activity and the free trade with developing nations that might result from such activity. For instance, these organisations are against the proliferation of multi-national corporations especially in the third world. Technological advances have made it easier and quicker to complete international transactions both trade of goods and financial flows. In other words globalisation refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity-village markets, urban industries, or financial centers. There by turning the world into a global village. However, the opportunities provided by globalisation in real sense in not the same for all the countries and hence it has created an economic imbalance. This has resulted in the emergence of groups protesting against globalisation. ... rge corporations, as exercised in trade agreements and elsewhere, which they say undermines democracy, the environment, labor rights, national sovereignty, the third world, and other concerns (Wikipedia n. pag, 2007). There are several concerns that has been put forth by the anti-globalization movement. The people who oppose globalisation or the anti-globalisation movement argue that globalisation has been the main reason for enhancing poverty and claim that the creation of an unfettered international free market has benefited multinational corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures, and common people. Where as proponents of globalisation argue that it allows poor countries to develop economically and raise their standards of living. Hence resistance to globalization has been a result of people and governments trying to manage the flow of capital, labour, goods, and ideas that make up the current wave of globalization (Silicon Valley n.pag). Globalisation has been criticized on many fronts by politicians, members of conservative think tanks, mainstream economists, and other supporters of market-based economic integration. One of the major concern put forth by the anti-globalization movement, is that the major causes of poverty amongst developing and underdeveloped world. For instance, poor farmers in these countries face trade barriers. Besides it hs also been claimed by these groups that unemployment has also increased in third world countries. Another criticism against the movement is that, although it protests about things that are widely recognized as serious problems, such as human rights violations, genocide and global warming, these movements have never tired to solve these porbems. In many instances these

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