Friday, September 13, 2019

Review a play (yankee Tavern) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Review a play (yankee Tavern) - Essay Example Watching Palmer (played by Steve Key) talk about conspiracies in such a strong yet casual manner actually forced me to question the official story and believe that they can actually have something more attached to themselves than just the ring of truth. I usually do not find myself so easily or quickly mesmerized to plays or movies. This surely proved otherwise, and the credits to that certainly go to Rich Cotovsky, who plays Ray. I would not be surprised if he gets a Jeff nomination for this performance of his. For me, he was the best. The way he puts up a surprisingly soft side in contrast to his crusty, hard exterior is admirable. He has quite a number of comical lines during the play, and his delicious delivery of them managed to crack me up at almost all of them, and kept reminding me of the sarcastic humor of a weird uncle I have, who likes to tell weird stories just to amuse himself. Also, the way he delivers his drunken, crazy theories with amazing wit and believability is simply outstanding. Weirdly though, I loved Key’s character more than Ray’s. It is most probably because his character, the quietly creepy Palmer, basically represents all the buried secrets and hushed up facts that I believe our government has kept from us, all this time. Palmer is mysterious and the way he walks out of the bar, after indicating he knows more stuff about everyone and everything than he logically should, gives that mystery factor a major boost. Palmer makes you question everything if you had not already been doing so previously. Palmer’s scene in Act 2 was a long, killer one where he unlocks all kinds of good stuff for his audience. More importantly, he made me wish that the previous act had been as energetic and emphatic as this one had been. The set design, done by Grant Sabin, further evokes the theme of the play, quite artfully. Yankee Tavern has been featured

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