Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Crash :: Creative Writing Essays

The Crash ........ as Jesse stumbled down the stairs, he could hear the weeping and he knew that something had gone wrong. He cried out, "what's going on?" "Jesse this is officer Potter, and he would like to talk to you," wept his grandmother. "What's the problem officer?" mumbled Jesse half asleep, rubbing his eyes. "Well, Jesse I don't know how to tell you this, but this morning on I-43 your dad was in a very terrible accident. He was hit by a semi truck heading south on the interstate. And when we arrived upon the scene, your father was found dead." Stammered the nervous rookie cop. "Oh God, oh God, who did this? did?.......why?.... . ............. I have to get out of here." Cried Jesse with a face full of tears. "Jesse come back here!" Sobbed his grandmother. Jesse then took off, and he told no one where he was going. So now there is a grandmother weeping, a nervous rookie cop, and an upset missing teenager; what is the family to do now. They just lost their dad, and son, and now his child has taken off. Talk about a nightmare of a morning. After Jesse took off his grandmother sat there on the couch, clutching the work shirt of her dead son crying, "Oh Edward, Oh Edward." The cries echoed through the empty house as the grandmother sat there in tears. "How could this have happened?" Thought Jesse to himself, "he was just in Green Bay and now he's dead. Who did this? They will get theirs." The only thing that kept Jesse going was his hatred. He had to devise a plan to get back at the person who did this. The only thing he could think of was to repay blood for blood. Jesse didn't know the exact details of the accident, but when he found out he erupted into a fit of rage. "So the driver of the semi fell asleep behind the wheel, huh? I tell you what, he better not fall asleep tonight. There is one pissed of kid coming for him." As Jesse sat at home devising a plan to pay back 'blood for blood', his grandmother is planning out the arrangements for the funeral. Jesse's plan sounds so simple and fool proof that even a child could pull this off. His idea was to wait until about 1 o'clock in the morning and break into his house and deal with him in an inhumane manner. All through his life Jesse had a

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