Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Finance Administrator Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Finance Administrator - Term Paper Example The Financial Resources, including both Governments sponsored programs as well as services offered by Not for Profit Organizations, to ensure that the uninsured patients are carefully treated consist of the following options for the Financial Administrator to select from: 1. Public Health Clinics: Government operated free or down scale clinics for uninsured and medical assistance patients. These often can provide free medication to their patients from their own pharmacies, and may provide lab and radiology services. 2. Medicare: Medicare is the medical insurance provided with social sanctuary. It is a separate program with slightly different eligibility criteria. It is available to retirees, their spouses, disabled workers who have been on social security. People with Medical Assistance get coverage from the state for uncovered expenses (if they are insured and get certain percentage of expenses from the insurance company) or all the expenses are recovered from State if the patient i s uninsured.3. Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program: This program is designed to ensure that patients with highly deteriorating conditions or terminal diseases have access to the new treatments available at low rates or for free.

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