Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of Monsanto Company Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis of Monsanto Company - Term Paper Example Put in simple terms, the company products advanced pesticides, herbicides and crop seeds. Currently, the company leads globally in the production of the herbicide glyphosate, the famous herbicide marketed by the brand name Roundup. It also leads globally in the production of genetically modified (GE) seed. The company provides the technology used in as high as 90% of the GE seeds used in the US market (Barlett and Steele 2008). Positive impacts Monsanto is one of the leading global companies committed to sustainable agriculture. The company has been tirelessly working with farmers to help them achieve more yields while at the same time, conserving more of the vital resources and improving lives (Monsanto Company 2011). The company discovers, develops and delivers products that are innovative. These products help the farmers to keep in pace with the rapidly rising demands for such agricultural products. ...Monsanto has produced traits that are drought-tolerant and this has become a br eakthrough in improving water productivity in farming. Its first corn train that is drought resistant is under regulatory review and is expected to be commercially available by 2012. This is also a big step towards adapting farming to climate change. Monsanto’s products help farmers to maximize soil health both in long-term and short-term basis. This is because its products help farmers to maintain the productivity and integrity of their soil by enabling conservative tillage practices and improved efficiency in the use of nutrient inputs. Through its advanced biotechnologies, Monsanto has been able to improve the lives of many farmers and their dependents. It is projected by 2020, this will include an additional 5 million people from families with poor resources. Monsanto has also started projects like Project Sunshine in India which has tremendously increased corn yields in India (Business Standard 2011).  

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