Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Censorship Of Art Essay - 2753 Words

Things are heating up in America. People are protesting outside of the movie theaters, concerts, and book and record stores of this great nation everywhere. What is all the fuss about? Censorship, Government officials and raving mad protesters alike have been trying to stop the expressive creativity in everything from Marilyn Manson to Mark Twain. One of the biggest shake-ups happened in museums all over the world recently that would have made Michelangelo and DiVinchi’s hair stand on end. In the Constitution of the United States, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, religion, press, the right to assemble and to petition the government; the Ninth Amendment says, quot;The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights,†¦show more content†¦In H.G. Hovagimyan’s TOKARTOK: The Censorship of Art, he states: quot;Artists are often asked to change parts of their works to conform to the publics morality. This has been going on since the Pope asked Mich elangelo to paint fig leaves on Adam and Eve.quot; Yes do not forget about the control the church has had on artistic expression since the beginning of time. When the church has something to say everyone listens. It is amusing how when something offends the church it quickly disappears. However, when these people see some bubble that looks like the face of the Virgin Mary in a tortilla chip, they start worshiping it. Next comes a media circus and before lunch it is all over CNN and every other news broadcast in the world. It is obvious the government uses those situations to promote the Church and its ideals of acceptable art even if it is a tortilla chip. As the 1960’s came to an end the meaning and importance of the first amendment became indisputable. The Democratic National Convention in Chicago, protesting against the Vietnam War and the political assassinations of the late 1960’s (with the governments’ interjection and objection) showed that the so-calledShow MoreRelatedThe Censorship Of The Arts1173 Words   |  5 Pages Censorship In the Arts Innocence, purity, youth — qualities that society strives to protect. In order to safeguard these sanctities, society often employs censorship to combat vileness. Vileness embedded within the arts. Art has no limits, no boundaries, no rules. Art is undefinable. Therefore, art is easily considered to be the nesting grounds for defilement. Censorship is currently the preferred tool to cleanse this impurity. Censorship is â€Å"the suppression of words, images, or ideas that areRead MoreCensorship in Art733 Words   |  3 PagesCensorship in Art Censorship has existed in the United States since colonial times. 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