Thursday, May 14, 2020

Consumer Perception Of Consumer Behavior Essay - 1488 Words

Consumer Perception Consumer behaviours are constructed by their attitudes, and the attitude itself is the result of the consumers’ perception (Fishbein Ajzen, 1975). This construct is explored in the Theory of Reasoned Action, where Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) state this in regards to attitude-behaviour relationships. When it comes to greenwashing, research has found that this attitude-behaviour relationship could manipulate the perception of the consumer. The consumer perceptions when it comes to companies can be explained by: perceived deception, which is caused by an organization which misleadingly advertises its product as being ‘green’ (Newell et al., 1998); perceived scepticism, from consumers regarding an environmental claim which could then decrease any possible positive impact on consumer behaviour (Albayrak et al., 2011), and; perceived inconsistency, which is caused by a company’s inconsistency in relation to advertising claims about being green versus their actual behaviour (Gallicano, 2011). Consumer perceptions towards products can be explained using the concepts of: perceived distrust, which is an unwillingness to have confidence in a product, this can stem from an expectation resulting from a lack of credibility and/or environmental performance (Chen Chang, 2013); perceived risk, which is connected to possible consequences of a wrong decision (Peter Ryan, 1976), and; perceived confusion, which arises as a result of consumers failing to acquire accurateShow MoreRelatedConsumer Perception And Consumer Behavior1027 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is Consumer Perception? As consumers play an important role to businesses, businesses must always satisfy all consumer’s wants and needs. In order to do so, marketers conduct research to learn consumers’ impression and awareness on the companies and their opinions on the companies’ products and services. Consumer perception is defined as a process where consumers select and gather information then form opinions regarded products. 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