Wednesday, October 30, 2019

MANAGINGPEOPLE&ORGANISATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MANAGINGPEOPLE&ORGANISATIONS - Essay Example The transition from bureaucratic phase to post -bureaucratic phase involved diminishing emphasis on formalised internal control mechanism and organization structure. This organizational transformation represents wider cultural, economic and social development along with the fast changing technology, which has also modernized the production techniques. It is very important for the organizations to focus on the outcomes and results as it would help in achieving competitive advantage. The next portion of the study would be reflecting whether the employees only focus on the salary, wages paid etc. It would provide justifications whether to accept this view or not. Empowerment to the Employees in Post-bureaucratic Phase The study tries to show whether getting money at the end of the month is the ultimate goal or objective of the employees and this requires highlighting several factors that are associated with the motivation, goals and objectives of the employees. The reason behind the tra nsitional phase from bureaucratic to post-bureaucratic organizational structure has also been discussed earlier. The transition focused on the work culture, which would ultimately improve the outcomes of the organization (Josserand, Teo and Clegg, 2006). ... This would positively impact the performance of the organization. Empowerment is the most important component in the post-bureaucratic phase. It reflects awarding authority or power to those employees who are lower in the organizational hierarchy. This intention of empowerment in this post -bureaucratic phase has been done for creating a work environment where the employees of the organizations would be the decision makers. This would involve awarding the employees with the authority to make various decisions so that they begin feeling a sense of personal identification and individuality. However, the fundamental concept behind this empowerment was that it would allow the business in flourishing fast. The empowerment would allow the organizational employees in functioning without high managerial governance and would increase the organizational performance. It is so because the human element is highly responsible behind disintegration of the potential. The idea of empowerment is for a llowing the employees to make decisions based on their own knowledge, expertise and experience. This would statistically increase the overall efficiency of the organization. However, empowerment and reward by promoting to higher level hierarchy would enable the employees to implement their leadership skills. These act as high motivational factors for the employees, enabling them to be loyal to the organization and give their best. This gives them a scope to rise in the hierarchy level by proving their excellence. The leadership skills are big reasons of motivation to the employees and they work hard to prove themselves in order to experience this skill. Getting liberty to take own decisions and handle several business situations give them high satisfaction and this

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