Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Early Childhood Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Early Childhood Education - Essay Example It is a part of early childhood education and training. It provides an orientation to the child as the child is admitted here in the formative years. Pre-Kindergarten: It is often used in conjunction with the day care or child care. In the early childhood settings. Here child is given a formal academic training and provide focus on skill building, socializing activities. In these institutions activity based learning is provided so as to encourage social, physical, emotional and cognitive development. It is also called as preschool. Biggest Challenge: Now-a-days competition is becoming cut-throat and there is always a comparison among the parents about the capabilities of their child. This goes between the siblings also. Such comparisons can either de-motivate the child who is less counted and can encourage the morals of the child who is appreciated. It is a biggest challenge to make reforms in such attitude so as to provide encouragement to the budding potentials of the child, as every child counts. Results from NICHD SECCYD and SWEEP studies: The number of classrooms is maximum in SECCYD as compared to others. More emphasis is laid on the literacy/ language arts and on math in first grade as compared to other categories. In public preschool more time is devoted for science and social studies as compared to other categories.

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