Friday, August 23, 2019

Mobile Technology in Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mobile Technology in Education - Research Paper Example This research paper will focus on the use of mobile technology in the region of United States, its acceptability as well as its pros and cons on the population of United States. Mobile devices or technology used in educational settings is regarded as instructional technology which is used to facilitate the process of learning and helping in the improvement of performance of students and educators (Reiser, 2012). Mobile technology is not only being used within the setting of classrooms, it is even being used outside the classrooms for learning and development. A study was conducted by Bangert in which the author identified that a total of 249 students at an American university named Montana State University were using Smartphone in order to continue learning outside their classrooms (Bangert, 2014). There are various mobile devices being used for learning and development by the students belonging to different fields in the United States. For example: students belonging to the field of medicine are using tablet computers which are a form of mobile devices and these devices have been quite useful in preclinical education (Robinson, 2013). There are various benefits that can be attained through the use of mobile technology in classrooms. These technologies help in making different educational processes effective and efficient. One of the major benefits of using mobile technologies in classroom is that it can assist in submission of work. A study was conducted by Lindquist in which the researcher identified various methods through which students could submit various forms of assignments and tasks with the use of a mobile phone (Lindquist, 2007). The researcher identified that students can submit answers in text based form to their teachers by text messaging the answers to the teachers. The researcher even identified that students can post or send picture based

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