Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A Philosphical Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Philosphical Approach - Essay Example The recall coordinator’s personal identity was influenced by Ford’s identity and at every step he was being thinking in favor of the company. The other reason that had restricted recall coordinator for not recalling the Pinto was due to his behavior which was highly influenced by script processing. These are the routine situations on the job due to which humans establish similar behavioral pattern and act automatically in all situations, leaving out the consideration for ethical decision making (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). Answer 2 Moral awareness was shown by the recall coordinator because he believed that he felt responsible for people to make them understand his situation at the particular time. The recall coordinator was a proud supporter of following ethical righteousness and an activist for social injustice. At an early age he became a recall coordinator of Ford which was an intense job with over loaded information (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). However, when the situatio n arises, the recall coordinator chooses not to recall because of various reasons. He believed that although he was an activist but he did not develop his ethical base and setting his guidelines and developing views for what is ethically right or wrong. He believed that people should not make those common mistakes in ethical decision making as similar to himself for what he did in the Pinto Fire case. ... The most important thing which the recall coordinator wanted to mention was that many people are unaware of the ethical dilemma. People should be responsible for their act and their decisions at a younger age, that it would make a difference in their lives (Trevino & Nelson, 2011). Answer 3 If I were in the place of a recall coordinator, I would have applied Trevino & Nelson 8 step model to design my decision in an ethical manner. Those 8 steps are discussed below: Identify relevant fact Firstly, I would have collected relevant facts of those deaths that either had they been due to a component failure of the car or were they just severe accidents due to poor driving faults. Till 1973 it was unclear that that the fire erupted due to fuel tank design. I would also have evaluated the cost and benefit analysis for improving the gas tank. Identify ethical issues I would examine the obligation to people if it had been the company’s product design fault but also keeping loyalty to th e company. I would have stand up to the responsibility for the deaths of people if it had been the company’s fault. Identify relevant affected parties I would have investigated the matter of those accidents and would have consoled the families of the victims. I would portray the company’s image in a good light but also try to identify loss factor of the company if we decide to recall. Identify possible consequences for action I would highlight and give weights to the alternative decisions for recalling and not to recall (Robbins, 2009). Huge cost is associated with recall but further lives would be saved which would be good for society. If I would not recall, then the probability of potential lawsuits and damage to corporate reputation would take place. Even more lives would be in danger.

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