Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Should robots be given the same rights as human Essay

Should robots be given the same rights as human - Essay Exampletties of their life to compensate it easier and accelerate in a supersonic velocity with three laws of robotics injected within the apparatuss of robots so that they cannot surpass the superiority of the humans, their creator. The three laws of robotics goes with the convention that a) A robot depart not injure a human being or, pull up stakes not allow a human being to come to harm through force, b) It will definitely obey the orders entrusted upon it by the human beings except in cases where such orders gets contradicted with the First Law , c) It will shield its existence until and unless such shielding gets scratchy with the First or Second Law (Isaac Asimovs Three Laws of Robotics). But with the advancement of artificial intelligence, Cyberneticists have proved that the robots can imitate behaviors, can learn from the mistakes, posses the male monarch of generation multiplication through probabilistic mode of s elf reproduction, and can become possessor of unbounded life span through self repairing mechanism (McNally and Inayatullah). Robots after gaining these powers will definitely claim equal human rights.However if equal human rights are bestowed upon the robots the world can face tremendous devastations or advancement with the possibility of subordination of the human race under the authority of robots unless and until the three laws of robotics do not gets

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