Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Article review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Review - Article ExampleThis lack of concern for the management always ends having cost effects on the companys transit system, zoning, and environment and family lives of their employees. For instance the company hence has to compete with other companies for workers. Housing cost hence affects many businesses in various ways. The article also explores the lodgment options benefits that Tyson Foods, Inc. as a company are planning to offer in homeownership initiative. In addition, there is mentioning of the partnering of Tyson Foods, Inc. with Freddie Mac to provide financial assistance to specifically income-eligible workers. around notably is the reference on various similar successful homeownership initiatives by other companies such as Cisco Systems, Mayo Clinic, Hewlett-Packard and Intel among others. Finally, the article substantiates the role companies should bout in strengthening their workforce through proper homeownership initiatives. For in one way or another, all thes e companies have helped increase their workforce and communities through dour housing solutions.The article substantiates the information provided by other reading concerning this subject of managements role in provision better housing benefits to their workforce and the impacts it has on their operational cost. This article offers a significant contribution to various topic of urban planning giving detailed analysis of how housing cost affects many business bottom-line and society vitality more broadly. This is a concern for many urban planners, and hence the article helps in substantiating this subject. It adds to concerns of other studies including that make by Brown (2004). According to Brown (2004), by employers engaging in homeownership initiatives help retain loyal employees and cut on operational costs. Brown boost added that such programs have been around for a while and have allowed employers expand operations, recruit new employees and be

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