Thursday, December 26, 2019

Structural Adjustment Programs - 1574 Words

Structural Adjustment Programs are programs used by the International Monetary fund as a tool to ensure the debt repayment of highly indebted developing countries, such as the countries in the Latin American area. Structural Adjustment Programs are routed in neo-liberal thought. Neo liberal thought is an economic approach whereby economic factors are shifted from the public arena to the private one, and whereby there is the freeing up of the economy by removing barriers and restrictions for what private actors can and cannot do (Oxford 2004). Structural Adjustment Programs (referred to as SAPs) allow the Global North, which includes North America and Western European countries to exploit highly indebted developing countries. Conditions required by Structural Adjustment Programs lead to an economically exploitative relationship between the Global North and in this case specifically Latin America. This paper will argue that in situations involving Structural Adjustment Programs, the Gl obal North can be viewed as the bourgeoisie and Latin America as the proletariat when looking through a Marxist lens. This paper will use the text of Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto in order to support the argument that the relationship between Global North and Latin America is similar in many aspects to the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is an economically exploitative one, whereby by bourgeoisieShow MoreRelatedStructural Adjustment Program ( Saps )1902 Words   |  8 PagesStructural Adjustments The debt crisis in the 1980s gave Washington the opportunity to â€Å"blast open† and fully subordinate third World economies through World Bank-IMF structural adjustment programs (SAPs). Starting in 1980, developing countries were unable to pay back loans taken from Western commercial banks which had gone on a huge lending binge to Third World governments during the mid to late1970s when rising oil prices had filled up their coffers with petro-dollars. The World Bank and the IMFRead MoreImf Structural Adjustment Programs in Africa1070 Words   |  5 PagesIMF STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT PROGRAMS IN AFRICA INTRODUCTION Beginning in 1980, the International monetary Fund (IMF) started to impose Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP) on African debtor nations. SAP’s have been imposed on 36 African Sub-Saharan countries under the assumption that neo-liberal reforms lead to economic growth and an increased standard of living. For that reason, focus was put on macroeconomic policies with the open market based approach. SAP’s generally mandated: -the removalRead MoreStructural Adjustment Programs Have Led To The Increase1682 Words   |  7 Pages Structural adjustment programs have led to the increase in poverty by reinforcing the peripheral status of these countries within the capitalist system. The international system in characterized by the domination of peripheral countries by core, developed nations (Afriyie, 2009, 51). This system is being reinforced by structural adjustment policies that make these peripheral countries dependent and indebted to the core. The first policy that helps reinforce this system is currency devaluation.Read MoreStructural Adjustment Programs And Its Impact On Ghana s Human Development2653 Words   |  11 Pages(IMF), World Trade Organization (WTO), and the World Bank. These institutions applied neoliberal policies with the goal of pursuing progress for the global south. These Policies were referred to as structural adjustment programs (SAPS). This paper will argue that neoliberal structura l adjustment programs implemented by the IMF and the World Bank have brought a negative impact on Ghana’s human development hindering economic and social development. To prove my thesis, this paper will be assessing Ghana’sRead MoreThe Implementation Of Structural Adjustment Programs1169 Words   |  5 Pagesthat of health and education combined. In response to the mounting global debt crisis of the late 1970s, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) set forth a series of prescriptions for developing countries in the form of Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) upon which the receipt of foreign aid is conditional. This paper seeks to analyze the effects of those prescriptions on the urban poor in three dimensions. First, through a look at the quality and accessibility of housing stockRead MoreThe Structural Adjustment Program Project1001 Words   |  5 PagesThe structural adjustment program project is one project of the World Bank that created substa ntial problems for the assisted nation, which in this case is Burundi. The structural adjustment program is a sort of lending program by the World Bank for countries whose economies are experiencing crisis. However, this lending program requires certain reforms and policies to be implemented by the receiving country in exchange for loans. In other words, the loans are strictly conditional, and these conditionalityRead MoreInfluence Of The Imfs Structural Adjustment Programs1398 Words   |  6 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to identify and verify the influence of the IMF’s Structural Adjustment Programs in less developed countries to see whether the IMF truly is the culprit. I used the case of Jamaica to serve me as an example of a developing country that works closely with the International Monetary Funds. Social Development: Social development and economic growth are usually mistakenly used as synonyms. However, both terms are not the same. Though a country may enjoy economic growthRead MoreThe Modern Development Project ( Mdp )1037 Words   |  5 Pagesconnection demonstrated here between capitalist development and the continuity of inequality solidifies Sahlins’ argument that the evolution of culture and the proliferation of poverty are synonymous (1972: 36). The implementation of Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) further supports the paradox of modern development, as the products counteract the aim of the strategy. SAPs entail loans from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund with the intention to accelerate economic growth in ‘lessRead MoreNorth American Free Trade ( Nafta ) And The International Monetary Fund1978 Words   |  8 Pagesmarkets in the â€Å"global† playing field through exploitation and it also looks like they are trying to eliminate all other players in the field so they can gain more monopolies and earn more money to fill their own pockets. In essence, these structural programs they parade around as a saving grace are just a faà §ade they hide behind in. In reality, their motives simply appear as another colonialist power play that they are implementing and it is not doing anybody favors at all. It continues to perpetuateRead MoreThe World Bank : Structural Or Sovereignty Adjustment Program162 9 Words   |  7 PagesHeather Reffle R. Jonasson Political Science 1020E 04/02/2015 The World Bank: Structural or Sovereignty Adjustment Program Since its opening loan of $250 million to France for post-war reconstruction in 1947, the World Bank has always declared its two primary goals as to â€Å"end extreme poverty within a generation and boost shared prosperity† (World Bank, 2014). The World Bank is first and foremost a bank - a business – whose primary interest is in making money, and in this profit-first business model

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Sylvia Plath is an American Writer who Writes Confessional...

Sylvia Plath is an American writer, commonly known for her poetry works. Her poetry can be categorized as â€Å"confessional poetry†, which are poems about the poet’s personal life. Her two most famous published collections of poems are The Colossus and Other Poemsand Ariel, but it was not until after Plath’s death that The Bell Jarwas published. The Bell Jar is considered a more personal and semi-autobiographical novel. Throughout Sylvia Plath’s lifetime, she suffered mentally since she was a little girl. Her father’s death when she was only eight years old estranged her from herself and others, including her own mother where she felt that she had to act as a happy and successful daughter. This is not the only time in her life where she had to put on a show. She also had to pretend to be supportive wife in front of her husband’s friends due to her mental illness. Because of her depression, Plath attempted suicide at the age of 20 and failed but ten years later, she eventually died of suicide. Sylvia Plath’s background and the way she lived her life influenced her to depict her inner struggles in life and to express her thoughts through her poetry. Sylvia Plath uses a lot of symbolism in her poetry as well as many other literary devices, especially in her poem â€Å"Ariel†. When Plath was younger, she had a horse named Ariel. Ariel in the poem is meant to symbolize Plath, the rebellious spirit that the female speaker of the poem aspires to be. It also symbolizes the transcendenceShow MoreRelatedSylvia Plath And Anne Sexton1782 Words   |  8 PagesConfessional poets in the 1950’s and 1960’s shaped confessional poetry into a type of writing that forever changed American literature. With controversial subjects at the time such as death, trauma, depression and how relationships impacted people, confessional poetry carved a gateway for private subjects and feelings to be expressed through auto biographical writing. The inspiration behind confessional poetry was the therapy it brought to the writer, being able to take personal experiences and thoughtsRead MoreSylvia Plaths Lady Lazarus1289 Words   |  6 PagesSylvia Plath, author of â€Å"Lady Lazarus†, is â€Å"widely considered one of the most emotionally evocative and compelling American poets of the postwar period† (â€Å"Plath, Sylvia: Introduction†). Plath was born in Boston, Massachusetts and her father died when she was eight. Plath attended Smith College and due to overwhelming conditions, she lapsed into a severe depression and overdosed on sleeping pills. After receiving psychiatric care, Plath enrolled in Newnham College where she met and married EnglishRead MoreSylvia Plath was American short-story writer, poet and novelist that was born on October 27, 1932900 Words   |  4 PagesSylvia Plath was American short-story writer, poet and novelist that was born on October 27, 1932 in Boston , Massachusetts and died on February 11, 1963. Sylvia Plath is best known for, her books of poems, â€Å"The Colossus and Other Poems Collection† and the â€Å"Ariel Collection† of Poems.Plath’s poetry was known for its rhyme, alliteration and disturbing and violent imagery. Plath’s poetry is considered part of the Confessional movement, which became very popular in the United States during the 1950sRead MoreThe Poetry Of Sylvia Plath1811 Words   |  8 PagesSylvia Plath is often described as a feminist poet who wrote about the difficulties women faced before womens right were a mainstream idea. From reading her poetry, it is quite obvious that Plaths feminism is extremely important to her, but she also wrote about a lot of day to day experiences and made them significant through her use of literary devices such as metaphors and symbols. Plath may also be best known for her autobiographical poetry written in a confessional style that appeared duringRead MoreEssay on The Dark Life and Confessional Poetry of Sylvia Plath2207 Words   |  9 Pagespoets, who brought with them a new type of perspective within their poetry. These poets—especially those who wrote confessional poetry—established their poetry in a single, unified voice that accentuated intimate human topics such as death, sexuality, and family. An important contributor to contemporary and confessional poetry was Sylvia Plath, who employed personal aspects of her life into her style of confessional poetry. Plath suffered from a deep depression that influenced her to often write in aRead MoreSylvia Plath s Poetry And Her Sanity1075 Words   |  5 PagesSylvia Plath was an American Poet who was renowned for poetry mostly in the United States. She, however lived a difficult and depressing life which led to a few futile suicide attempts, but ultimately led to a successful suicide attempt leaving her children to live on without a mother. This end result was due t o a multitude of issues in her life from Sylvia’s sanity. She wasn’t the most stable child. Her marriage also played a role in her suicide. Her successes weren’t acclaimed until after her deathRead MoreOnce More About the Thin People by Sylvia Plath1039 Words   |  5 PagesSylvia Plath is an American poet, novelist and short story writer who lived in London, United Kingdom. She is considered an important poet of her generation. Her work is very personal and towards the end of her life she often wrote about death. She usually used confessional genre to write her poetry. She is Best-known for her two published collections: The Colossus and Other Poetrys and Ariel. She also wrote a semi-autobiographical novel, The Bell Jar in 1963 published shortly before her death. TheRead MoreBiography of Sylvia Plath1452 Words   |  6 PagesCritical Analysis Sylvia Plath, a great American author, focuses mostly on actual experiences. Plath’s poetry displays feelings and emotions. Plath had the ability to transform everyday happenings into poems or diary entries. Plath had a passion for poetry and her work was valued. She was inspired by novelists and her own skills. Her poetry was also very important to readers and critics. Sylvia Plath’s work shows change throughout her lifetime, relates to feelings and emotions, and focuses on dayRead More Sylvia Plath Essay2106 Words   |  9 Pages Sylvia Plath was a gifted writer, poet and verbal artist whose personal anguish and torment visibly manifested itself in her work. Much of her angst stems from her warped relationship with her father. Other factors that influenced her works were her strained views of human sexuality, her sado-masochistic tendencies, self-hatred and her traditional upbringing. She was labeled as a confessional poet and biographical and historical material is absolutely necessary to understand her work. SylivaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Opening Line Of The Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath2088 Words   |  9 PagesRosenbergs, and I didn t know what I was doing in New York (1; ch. 1), the opening line of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, effectively sets the tone for both the life of Plath and the remainder of the novel. Plath s depression and cynical outlook on life fueled the creation of many of her poems and novels, and particularly The Bell Jar in its autobiographical fictional genre. In this way, Sylvia Plath is able to more clearly display the disillusionment of the Modernist era in The Bell Jar as she showcases

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ducks free essay sample

Heres first Masc. were Coke La Rock and Clark Kent, and they added their own commentaries to the songs. Coke La Rock made up rhythmic poems that gained in popularity and were the first raps. Others soon followed, and rap music was born. The genre has been written off many times as a fad by people who didnt understand it, but it has refused to die. Africa Bumboat, one of the first rappers [source: Rolling Stone], hoped to use hip-hop as a way to speak out against the violence culture that had developed among many poor inner-city groups.But later rappers, like DRP. Drew and Snoop Dog chose instead to develop hardcore rap, which glorifies the lifestyle. The genre predictably drew the anger out of parents, authority figures and some sterner, but its popularity was undeniable. Artists argued in defense of hardcore rap, saying that they were simply rapping about the conditions of life in their neighborhoods. We will write a custom essay sample on Ducks or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They were describing the world they grew up in. Unfortunately street credibility kept up with many performers even in fame, and the mid-to-late sass was disfigured with violent deaths surrounding the genre ? most notably those of Notorious B. I. G. And Tuba Shaker. After that, many high profile artists agreed it was time to tone down the violent feuds among rappers and keep the threats lyrical instead of literal. Rapping started off with men and many of the best-known names in the hip- hop music scene are male, but its not just for men.Women started rapping in the sass. Salt-N-EPA, Queen Latish and MAC Late were among the first, and they gave hip-hop new voices and new messages. Sylvia Robinson was the expounder and owner of Sugar Hill Records, which made the first hit rap record. Today, rap has been around long enough that it is embedded in Western culture, and it has branched out by so many different artists that it does not get pigeon-holed anymore as strictly urban music or strictly hardcore. Like rock n roll, its here to stay. Ducks free essay sample Heres first Masc. were Coke La Rock and Clark Kent, and they added their own commentaries to the songs. Coke La Rock made up rhythmic poems that gained in popularity and were the first raps. Others soon followed, and rap music was born. The genre has been written off many times as a fad by people who didnt understand It, but It has refused to die. Africa Bumboat, one of the first rappers [source: Rolling Stone], hoped to use hip-hop as a way to speak out against the violence culture that had developed among many poor Inner-city groups.But later rappers, like DRP. Deer and Snoop Dog, chose instead to develop hardcore rap, which glorifies the lifestyle. The genre predictably drew the anger out of parents, authority figures and some listeners, but its popularity was undeniable. Artists argued in defense of hardcore rap, saying that they were simply rapping about the conditions of life in their neighborhoods. We will write a custom essay sample on Ducks or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They were describing the world they grew up in.Unfortunately street credibility kept up with many performers even in fame, and the mid-to-late sass was disfigured with violent deaths surrounding the genre most notably those of Notorious B. I. G. And Outpace Shaker. After that, many high-profile artists agreed It was time to tone down he violent feuds among rappers and keep the threats lyrical Instead of literal. Rapping started off with men and many of the best-known names in the hip-hop music scene are male, but its not just for men.After that, many high-profile artists agreed it was time to tone down the violent feuds among rappers and keep the threats lyrical instead of literal. Music scene are male, but its not Just for men. Women started rapping in the Today, rap has been around long enough that it is embedded in Western culture, and it has branched out by so many different artists that it does not get pigeon- holed anymore as strictly urban music or strictly hardcore.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Research Proposal on iPhone Essay Example

Research Proposal on iPhone Essay iPhone is a smartphone, produced by Apple, the first version of which saw the world in 2007. iPhone works as cameraphone, portable media-player, the Internet client (with its email, web-browser and Wi-Fi) with the function of SMS and MMS. The main feature of the smartphone is its touchscreen with the multi-touch technology, around which there is the user’s interface with the visual keyboard instead of the real material one. All the applications can be bought and downloaded from App Store, launched in 2008. The USA saw the first iPhone in summer of 2007, Europe – autumn of 2007, Asia – in 2008 and since that time the smartphone has won general international popularity and fame. iPhone trademark is owned by the company Cisco Systems, which produced the device with the same name for the Internet telecommunication and in 2007 Apple and Cisco agreed to use the name of the trademark together. The history of the creation of iPhone is quite interesting and it started from the creation of iPod which saw the world in 2002-2004. After that the former head of the company Steve Jobs decided to create a device which would unite all the existing gadgets in the single appliance. The only device which could unite a phone, media-player and PDA was a smartphone and the company started developing this idea further and in 2007 iPhone was demonstrated to the general public. iPhone has become popular not just due to its quality but due to the smart marketing strategy practised by Apple. They have managed to create a cult from the device and nowadays it is supposed to be the most frequently-sold smartphone in the world. Approximately every year the company demonstrates iPhone of the new generation which possesses additional functions. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on iPhone specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on iPhone specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on iPhone specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer iPhone is the most popular smartphone which is worth student’s attention, because the young person who is interested in technologies and marketing can combine these two issues in the single paper. The project on iPhone should be structured well and contain all the points essential for the analysis, the methods of the research and the student’s expectations concerning the results of the investigation. One should complete a well-formatted, brief and informative paper on iPhone which will be interesting for the professor. When the student is not sure whether the quality of his research project is good, he can improve his knowledge with the help of the free example research proposal on iPhone designed by the well-educated and experienced writer. The young professional can read a free sample research proposal on iPhone and learn to compose the right structure of the text and format the paper according to the standards of writing required by the educational institution. At writing service you can order a custom research proposal on iPhone topics. Your proposal will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated PhD and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research proposal help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all proposal details: Enjoy professional research proposal writing service!